Calculate dividend projections and growth for a single stock investment. Perfect for analyzing individual stock performance and dividend income potential.
Key Features
Project dividend income over multiple years
Account for dividend growth rates
Calculate the impact of dividend reinvestment (DRIP)
Visualize growth with interactive charts
Include monthly contributions to your investment
Account for stock price appreciation
Real-Time Stock Data
Search and retrieve current stock information including price, dividend yield, and payment frequency directly from financial markets.
Interactive Charts
View your investment growth through dynamic charts showing portfolio value, dividend income, and share accumulation over time.
Multiple Stocks Portfolio Calculator
Analyze and project dividend income for an entire portfolio of dividend stocks. Perfect for planning and optimizing your dividend portfolio strategy.
Key Features
Manage multiple stocks in one portfolio
Set individual growth rates for each stock
Customize contribution splits between stocks
View portfolio-wide projections and metrics
Track asset allocation and diversification
Analyze individual stock performance within the portfolio
Flexible Contribution Splitting
Choose how to distribute your monthly contributions: equally, weighted by current value, or custom percentages for each stock.
Portfolio Analytics
Get detailed insights into your portfolio's projected performance, including total return, dividend yield, and asset allocation.
Dividend Calendar
Stay on top of your dividend payments with our comprehensive dividend calendar. This powerful tool helps you track and manage dividend dates for your entire investment portfolio.
Key Features
Track upcoming dividend payments and ex-dividend dates
Manage your watchlist of dividend stocks
Easy-to-use monthly calendar view
Search and add stocks to your watchlist
Toggle between all stocks and watchlist view
Navigate between months for future planning
Smart Stock Search
Quickly find and add stocks to your watchlist with our intelligent search feature. Get company details and dividend information instantly. Our search supports both company names and stock symbols, making it easy to find the stocks you're interested in.
Customizable View
Toggle between viewing all dividend stocks or just your watchlist. The calendar provides a clear distinction between ex-dividend dates and payment dates, helping you make informed decisions about your dividend investment strategy.
Frequently Asked Questions
How accurate are the dividend projections?
Our calculators use real-time market data and historical dividend information to provide projections. However, future performance depends on many factors and actual results may vary.
Can I save my portfolio calculations?
Currently, calculations are session-based. We recommend taking screenshots or notes of your analysis for future reference.
How often is stock data updated?
Stock data is retrieved in real-time when you search for a ticker symbol, ensuring you have the most current information for your calculations.