Single Stock Dividend Calculator
Stock Selection
Search Stocks:
Type company name or ticker symbol to search
Stock Ticker Symbol:
The unique identifier for the stock (e.g., AAPL for Apple)
Investment Details
Number of Shares:
The number of shares you own or plan to purchase
Years to Project:
Number of years to calculate dividend projections (1-10 years)
Reinvest Dividends (DRIP)
Automatically use dividend payments to buy more shares
Growth Assumptions
Expected Annual Price Growth Rate (%):
Estimated yearly increase in stock price
Expected Annual Dividend Growth Rate (%):
Estimated yearly increase in dividend payments
Monthly Contribution ($):
Additional money invested each month
Calculate Dividends
Stock Information
Current Data
Current Price:
Annual Dividend:
Dividend Yield:
Payout Frequency:
Important Dates
Ex-Dividend Date:
Last Dividend Date:
Next Dividend Date:
Dividend Projection
Shares Owned
Annual Dividends
Cumulative Dividends
Total Contributions
Portfolio Value
Detailed Charts
Portfolio Value Growth
Dividend Payment Growth
Share Count Growth