Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

How accurate are the dividend projections?
Our calculators use real-time market data and historical dividend information to provide projections. However, future performance depends on many factors and actual results may vary. The projections should be used as a planning tool rather than a guarantee of future returns.
Can I save my portfolio calculations?
Currently, calculations are session-based. We recommend taking screenshots or notes of your analysis for future reference. We are working on adding the ability to save and load portfolio configurations in a future update.
How often is stock data updated?
Stock data is retrieved in real-time when you search for a ticker symbol, ensuring you have the most current information for your calculations. This includes current price, dividend yield, and other relevant metrics.

Calculator Features

What is DRIP and how does it work in the calculators?
DRIP (Dividend Reinvestment Plan) automatically reinvests your dividend payments to purchase additional shares. In our calculators, when DRIP is enabled, we calculate how many new shares you can buy with each dividend payment based on the projected stock price at that time.
How are growth rates applied in the calculations?
Growth rates are applied annually in our calculations. The stock price growth rate affects the share price, while the dividend growth rate affects the dividend amount per share. Both rates are compounded annually to provide realistic long-term projections.
What's the difference between the single stock and portfolio calculator?
The single stock calculator focuses on detailed analysis of one stock, while the portfolio calculator allows you to analyze multiple stocks together, including portfolio-wide metrics and asset allocation. The portfolio calculator also offers additional features like contribution splitting between stocks.

Data and Privacy

Where does the stock data come from?
We use reliable financial market APIs to retrieve real-time stock data, including prices, dividend information, and other metrics. This ensures that your calculations are based on accurate and current market data.
Is my portfolio information saved or shared?
No, we do not store or share any of your portfolio information. All calculations are performed locally in your browser and are cleared when you close the page. This ensures your investment information remains private.